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Call for Proposals/発表募集

Call for Proposals 

We would like to invite proposals that will discuss study abroad both outbound and inbound. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Best practices in study abroad

  • Study abroad risk management

  • Effectiveness of study abroad

  • Student experiences abroad

The submission is open to JALT and non-JALT members alike.


Session Types (All the presentation will be delivered online)

1. Panel Presentation

Using the recording function of PowerPoint, please prepare the 30 to 60-minute recorded session with 3-4 presentations on a specific topic and submit it to us by Sunday, August 15. We will upload the video files to YouTube and release them on our conference website from Wednesday, August 18. By the time of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to watch the presentations that interest them. On the day of the conference, panel presenters will have 45-minute online discussion session to interact with participants.

※ All the videos of presentations will be deleted after the conference.

2. Presentation

Using the recording function of PowerPoint, please prepare the 15 to 30-minute presentation and submit it to us by Sunday, August 15. We will upload the video files to YouTube and release them on our conference website from Wednesday, August 18. By the time of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to watch the presentations that interest them. On the day of the conference, each presenter will have 20-minute online discussion session to interact with participants.

※ All the videos of presentations will be deleted after the conference.

3. Short Presentation

Using the recording function of PowerPoint, please prepare the 5 to 10-minute presentation and submit it to us by Sunday, August 15. We will upload the video files to YouTube and release them on our conference website from Wednesday, August 18. By the time of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to watch the presentations that interest them. On the day of the conference, presenters will be divided into breakout sessions on ZOOM and have 45 minutes to interact with participants. Just like traditional poster presentations, participants can move around to talk with each presenter. 

※ All the videos of presentations will be deleted after the conference.

We welcome students to give a presentation. Teachers can organize their students to present on their experiences studying abroad and/or classroom activities.


Abstract Guidelines:

Presentations may be delivered in English or Japanese. Please prepare the abstract in the language you will deliver.

English Abstract: 75-100 words (300-450 words for panel presentation) or Japanese Abstract (日本語) : 150-200 characters (500-600 characters for panel presentation) 


Please submit your abstract by Sunday, June 20 here.

Notification of Acceptance: End of June




  • 海外留学の実践

  • 海外留学のリスク管理

  • 海外留学の有効性

  • 学生の海外留学の経験



1. パネル発表



2. 口頭発表



3. 短い口頭発表






英語の要旨 75-100語(パネル発表は300-450語)

日本語の要旨 150-200字(パネル発表は500-600字)




For inquiries,

please contact Center for Global Education, Ibaraki University

cge-apply02★ (Change ★ to @ to send an e-mail message)




cge-apply02★ (★を@に変えてお送りください)

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