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The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Study Abroad SIG Conference 2021

海外留学(Study Abroad)

Conference 2021

Theme: Study Abroad at Home


Saturday, September 4, 2021 

Online Conference


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About the Conference

About the Conference/Conferenceについて

The Study Abroad SIG Conference seeks to gather researchers, teachers, and students who are interested in presenting and learning about study abroad instruction, research, and student experiences abroad. The objective of this conference is to promote the research of study abroad and give an opportunity for participants to network among like-minded individuals.

The theme this year is "Study Abroad at Home." Professor Keiko Ikeda from Kansai University is our keynote speaker and she will be giving a plenary on "Language learning Focused COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as a New Gateway for Inclusive International Education." As the spread of COVID-19 has made it difficult for learners to study overseas, we would like to discuss further possibilities of study abroad and international exchanges under this ongoing pandemic. 

The Study Abroad SIG Conference is open to JALT and non-JALT members alike.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

海外留学SIG Conferenceは、海外留学の実践・研究、学生の海外留学経験に興味を持つ研究者、教師、学生の発表および学びの場を提供することを目指しています。本Conferenceを通して、海外留学の研究を促進し、同じ興味・関心を持つ者同士のネットワークの場を創出します。

今年度のテーマは「内なる海外留学」です。関西大学の池田佳子教授を基調講演者としてお招きし、「インクルーシブな国際教育のゲートウェイとしてのCOIL: LLC(言語学習を目的としたCOIL)にフォーカスをあてて」と題してお話しいただきます。新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大で学生たちが海外へ渡航することが難しい状況で、私たちに今できる海外留学/国際交流の可能性について考えたいと思います。



Date: Saturday, September 4, 2021
Time: 9:00-17:00 (Japan Time)
Venue: Online (Access information will be provided after registration.)
Participation Fee: No Charge

時間:   9:00-17:00
会場:   オンライン上(参加方法は、参加申込された方にお伝えします)

Ways to Participat/参加方法

Ways to Participate/参加方法

Who can participate?

The Study Abroad SIG Conference is open to JALT and non-JALT members alike. This year the participation fee is free.

How can I participate in the conference?

In order to participate in the conference, registration is required here. The password to the presentation video page will be sent accordingly. The ZOOM links to the keynote talk, presenter sessions, and networking lunch can be found on that page. If you need to cancel participation, please let us know as soon as possible in order to allow other participants.

The maximum number of participants for this conference is 300 people.

Participation in Presenter Sessions

On the day of the conference, presenters will lead a 20-minute online discussion. The time will be used for the comments and questions (not for delivering the presentations). Thus, presentations of interest need to be viewed prior to conference day here

Comments/questions regarding presentations can be written in a form prior to the conference here. The presenters will use the comments/questions as topics for their discussions. You can write down comments/questions even if you are not participating on conference day. 

Participants are also welcome to give comments/questions via Zoom chat or verbally during the discussion on conference day.

Participation in Short-Presentation Presenter Sessions

By the time of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to watch the presentations that interest them. On the day of the conference, presenters will be divided into breakout sessions on ZOOM and have 45 minutes to interact with participants. Just like traditional poster presentations, participants can move around to talk with each presenter. 

Comments/questions regarding presentations can be written in a form prior to the conference here. The presenters will use the comments/questions as topics for their discussions. You can write down comments/questions even if you are not participating on conference day. 

Participants are also welcome to give comments/questions via Zoom chat or verbally during the discussion on conference day.


Participation in Networking Lunch

The ZOOM link can be found at the presentation video page. Again, participants can move around to network with other participants in ZOOM. 


Please bring your own food and beverage to participate.


JALTの会員・非会員に関わらず、どなたでも参加することができます。 参加費は無料です。



















For inquiries,

please contact Center for Global Education, Ibaraki University

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cge-apply02★ (★を@に変えてお送りください)

© 2021 JALT Study Abroad SIG

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